Drilling Fluids Engineering & Services
“Cost of drilling fluids is known to be around 5-10% of the total drilling cost whereas the impact it can have on drilling problems is known to be more than 70%”

Engineering and programming
We can design and customize drilling fluids based on the well design and the drilling program in order to improve drilling efficiency. This is initially done by preparing a comprehensive operational drilling fluids program to meet both normal and contingency plans. In addition, we can offer our advanced Hi-Tech Drilling Fluids for special applications such as those in high reactive shales/clays, depleted zones and HPHT wells. Our fluids systems can be customized based on our client's requirements whether it be OBM, WBM or Synthetic Based Muds.
We offer a wide range of drilling fluids engineering solutions to cover our client’s engineering and operational requirements in their drilling activities. Our expert engineers can add value for your projects by providing the following services: